Engine Support Brackets

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Table below is for informational purposes only:

If engine brackets are available as a new reproduction part, the link will be click-able and take you to our store where you can purchase the new reproductions.

Table: Engine Mounting Brackets.

  440 426 413 400 383 361 350
1979 3894718 (Motorhome R)
3894719 (Motorhome L)
3496899 (2wd Truck)
3897274 (4wd Truck R)
3823215 (4 wd Truck L)
N/A N/A   N/A N/A N/A
1978 3642814 (R) "Spool"
3642815 (L) "Spool"

3894718 (Motorhome R)
3894719 (Motorhome L)
3496899 (2wd Truck)
3897274 (4wd Truck R)
3823215 (4 wd Truck L)
N/A N/A 3642814 (R exc. B body 3642815 (L - B body "Spool"))
3642815 (L exc B body 3642815 (L - B body "Spool"))

4001746 (R - B body)
4001747 (L - B body)
3496899 (2wd Truck)
1977 3642814 (R exc station wgn "Spool")
3642815 (L - exc. station wgn
3817124 (R w/ Chrys. station wgn.)
3817125 (L w/ Chrys. station wgn.)

3898710 (R - Van)
3823407 (L - Van)

3894718 (Motorhome R)
3894719 (Motorhome L)
3496899 (2wd Truck)
3823214 (R - Truck)
3823215 (L - Truck)
N/A 2955888 (Motorhome R)
2955887 (Motorhome L)
3642814 (R exc station wgn 3642815 (L - B body "Spool"))
3642815 (L - exc. station wgn 3642815 (L - B body "Spool"))

4001747 (L - B body)
3817124 (R w/ Chrys. station wgn.)
3817125 (L w/ Chrys. station wgn.)

3898710 (R - Van)
3823407 (L - Van)

3496899 (2wd Truck)
3823214 (R - Truck)
3823215 (L - Truck)
N/A   N/A
1976 3642814 (R - B body "Spool")
3642815 (L - B body "Spool")

3817124 (R w/ Chrys. station wgn.)
3817125 (L w/ Chrys. station wgn.)

3837096 (L)
3898710 (R - Van)
3823407 (L - Van)

3894718 (Motorhome R)
3894719 (Motorhome L)
3496899 (2wd Truck)
3823214 (R - Truck)
3823215 (L - Truck)
N/A 2955888 (Motorhome R)
2955887 (Motorhome L)
3642814 (R - B body before 11/3/75)
4001746 (R - B body after 11/3/75) 3817124 (R w/ Chrys. station wgn.)
3817125 (L w/ Chrys. station wgn.)

3837096 (L before 11/3/75)
4001747 (L after 11/3/75)
3898710 (R - Van)
3823407 (L - Van)

3496899 (2wd Truck)
3823214 (R - Truck)
3823215 (L - Truck)
N/A   N/A
1975 3642814 (R - B body "Spool")
3817124 (R w/ Chrys. station wgn.)
3817125 (L w/ Chrys. station wgn.)

3837096 (L)
3898710 (R - Van)
3823407 (L - Van)

3894718 (Motorhome R)
3894719 (Motorhome L)
3496899 (2wd Truck)
3823214 (R - Truck)
3823215 (L - Truck)
N/A 2955888 (Motorhome R)
2955887 (Motorhome L)
3642814 (R - B body 3642815 (L - B body "Spool"))
3817124 (R w/ Chrys. station wgn.)
3817125 (L w/ Chrys. station wgn.)

3837096 (L)
3898710 (R - Van)
3823407 (L - Van)

3496899 (2wd Truck)
3823214 (R - Truck)
3823215 (L - Truck)
N/A   N/A
1974 3642814 (R - B body "Spool")
3642815 (L - B body "Spool")

3642812 (R exc. B body)
3642809 (L exc. B body)
3894718 (Motorhome R)
3894719 (Motorhome L)
3898710 (R - Van)
3823407 (L - Van)

3823214 (R - Truck)
3823215 (L - Truck)

3496899 (2wd Truck)
N/A 2955888 (Motorhome R)
2955887 (Motorhome L)
3642814 (R - B body 3642815 (L - B body "Spool"))
3642815 (L - B body 3642815 (L - B body "Spool"))

3642812 (R exc. B body)
3642809 (L exc. B body)
3898710 (R - Van)
3823407 (L - Van)

3496899 (2wd Truck)
3823214 (R - Truck)
3823215 (L - Truck)
N/A   N/A
1973 2536132 (R exc. B body Bracket only)
2863751 (L exc. B body Bracket only)

3642814 (R - B body "Spool")
3642815 (L - B body "Spool")

3496899 (2wd Truck)
3735086 (Motorhome R)
3735087 (Motorhome L)
N/A 2955888 (Motorhome R)
2955887 (Motorhome L)
2536132 (R exc. B body Bracket only)
2863751 (L exc. B body Bracket only)

3642814 (R - B body)
3642815 (L - B body)

3496899 (2wd Truck)
N/A   N/A
1972 2536132 (R)
2863751 (L)

3496899 (2wd Truck)
3735086 (Motorhome R)
3735087 (Motorhome L)
N/A 2955888 (Motorhome R)
2955887 (Motorhome L)
2536132 (R)
2863751 (L)

3496899 (2wd Truck)
N/A   N/A
1971 2536132 (R)
2863751 (L)
2951601 (R)
3418305 (L)
2955888 (Motorhome R)
2955887 (Motorhome L)

1934644 (HD Truck)
1938864 (HD Truck)
N/A 2536132 (R)
2863751 (L)

2515960 (Truck)
1934644 (HD Truck)
1938864 (HD Truck)
1970 2536132 (R)
2863751 (L)
2951601 (R - E body)
2780672 (R - B body)
3418305 (L - E body)
2780673 (L - B body)
2955888 (Motorhome R)
2955887 (Motorhome L)

1934644 (HD Truck)
1938864 (HD Truck)
N/A 2536132 (R)
2863751 (L)

2515960 (Truck)
1934644 (HD Truck)
1938864 (HD Truck)
1969 2536132 (R)
2863751 (L)
2780672 (R)
2780673 (L)
2955888 (Motorhome R)
2955887 (Motorhome L)

1934644 (HD Truck)
1938864 (HD Truck)
N/A 2465862 (L - A body)
2536132 (R)
2863751 (L)

2515960 (Truck)
1934644 (HD Truck)
1938864 (HD Truck)
1968 2536132 (R)
2863751 (L)
2780672 (R)
2780673 (L)
  N/A 2465862 (L - A body)
2536132 (R)
2863751 (L)

2515960 (Truck)
1967 2536132 (R)
2863751 (L)
2780672 (R)
2780673 (L)
  N/A 2465862 (L - A body)
2536132 (R)
2863751 (L)

2515960 (Truck)
1966 2536132 (R)
2806167 (L)

2128571 (L Imperial)
2128572 (R Imperial)
2780672 (R)
2780673 (L)
  N/A 2536132 (R)
2806167 (L)

2515960 (Truck)
2536132 (R)
2806167 (L)
1965 N/A 2268220 (R wedge)
2268216 (L wedge Plym116"/Dodge117")

2465862 (L wedge Plym119"/ Dodge121.5")
2468150 (L Hemi)
2468151 (R Hemi)
2128571 (L Imperial)
2128572 (R Imperial)

2268220 (R)
2465862 (L)
N/A 2268220 (R)
2268216 (L - Plym116"/Dodge117")

2465862 (L Plym119"/ Dodge121.5"/ Chrys)
2268220 (R)
2268216 (L)
1964 N/A 2268220 (R exc. Hemi)
2268216 (L exc. Hemi)

2468150 (L Hemi)
2468151 (R Hemi)
2120238 (R Dodge 880, & Chrys.)
2120237 (L Dodge 880, & Chrys.)

2128571 (L Imperial)
2128572 (R Imperial)
N/A 2120238 (R Dodge 880, & Chrys.)
2120237 (L Dodge 880, & Chrys.)

2268220 (R)
2268216 (L)
2120238 (R Dodge 880, & Chrys.)
2120237 (L Dodge 880, & Chrys.)

2268220 (R)
2268216 (L)
1963 N/A 2120238 (R Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys.)
2120237 (L Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys.)

2268220 (R - B body)
2268216 (L - B body)
2120238 (R Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys.)
2120237 (L Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys.)

2128571 (L Imperial)
2128572 (R Imperial)
N/A 2120238 (R Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys.)
2120237 (L Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys.)

2268220 (R - B body)
2268216 (L - B body)
2120238 (R Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys.)
2120237 (L Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys.)

2268220 (R - B body)
2268216 (L - B body)
1962 N/A N/A 2120238 (R Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Newport/300)
2120237 (L Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Newport/300)

2128571 (L Chrysler exc. Newport/300)
2128572 (R Chrysler exc. Newport/300)

2268220 (R - B body)
2268216 (L - B body)
N/A 2120238 (R Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Newport/300)
2120237 (L Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Newport/300)
2128571 (L Chrysler exc. Newport/300)
2128572 (R Chrysler exc. Newport/300)

2268220 (R - B body)
2268216 (L - B body)
2120238 (R Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Newport/300)
2120237 (L Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Newport/300)
2128571 (L Chrysler exc. Newport/300)
2128572 (R Chrysler exc. Newport/300)

2268220 (R - B body)
2268216 (L - B body)
1961 N/A N/A 2120238 (R Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Newport/Windsor)
2120237 (L Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Newport/Windsor)

2128571 (L Chrysler exc. Newport/Windsor)
2128572 (R Chrysler exc. Newport/Windsor)

2128935 (R Dart)
2128936 (L Dart)
N/A 2120238 (R Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Newport/Windsor)
2120237 (L Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Newport/Windsor)

2128571 (L Chrysler exc. Newport/Windsor)
2128572 (R Chrysler exc.
2128935 (R Dart)
2128936 (L Dart)
2120238 (R Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Newport/Windsor)
2120237 (L Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Newport/Windsor)
2128571 (L Chrysler exc. Newport/Windsor)
2128572 (R Chrysler exc. Newport/Windsor)

2128935 (R Dart)
2128936 (L Dart)
1960 N/A N/A 2120238 (R Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Windsor)
2120237 (L Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Windsor)

2128571 (L Chrysler exc. Windsor)
2128572 (R Chrysler exc. Windsor)

1926246 (HD Truck)
N/A 2120238 (R Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Windsor)
2120237 (L Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Windsor)

2128571 (L Chrysler exc. Windsor)
2128572 (R Chrysler exc. Windsor)
2120238 (R Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Windsor)
2120237 (L Dodge, Plymouth & Chrys. Windsor)

2128571 (L Chrysler exc. Windsor)
2128572 (R Chrysler exc. Windsor)

1926246 (HD Truck)
1959 N/A N/A 1858752 (R - Imperial)
1858753 (L - Imperial)
N/A 1737732 (R)
1737735 (L)
1737732 (R)
1737735 (L)
1958 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1737732 (R)
1737735 (L)
1737732 (R)
1737735 (L)



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